During most machining processes, work pieces become burred, and sharp edges or material compression occurs. These effect the quality of the part and can create a potential source of error during the assembly process. Gibbs Gear has a dedicated deburring and details department and can offer our customers various solutions. This includes flow deburring using specialised media.
Gibbs Gears finishing processes for aerospace manufacturers includes deburring, fine grinding, edge honing / radiusing, smoothing, super finishing and polishing. Usually more than one process is combined to achieve superior results.
Our rotary vibrators are used for a wide range of applications including “pre-” and “post-finish” of parts including super finishing. A programmable process will enable parts to be vibro-rolled using specialised media. Other processes and equipment to deburr and detail parts including small schaublin lathes use CBN grinding wheel technology to grind and turn to deburr parts prior to the vibro roll & cleaning process.
For more information on our component deburring and part super finishing service, please do get in touch.